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About Dora (2)_edited_edited.png

December 30, 2009 I began this journey called recovery and healing. In that time these things have happened:


I struggled to find myself. I struggled to forgive myself. I struggled to believe in myself. I struggled with rebuilding relationships that were almost destroyed. I struggled with not one but three debilitating illnesses. I was homeless. I felt I had no purpose! BUT GOD!I not only found myself but became at discovered with who God created me to be! I not only forgave myself but have been able to forgive others! I not only believe in myself but others believe in me too, pushing me to be all I can be! God has restored relationships to a place better than they ever were! God has healed me from a brain tumor and Leukemia!!I have traveled the world and am spreading the gospel to the nations! I have released my first and second solo recording, published my first book and am now working on my autobiography and third music project. I am leading a prison ministry to help others who feel they will never recover from the mistakes they have made. I have not only found my purpose but thrive in fulfilling it!! The journey continues! If you are struggling let my story be a beacon of hope that if He can do it for me He can and will do it for you! When times get rough keep going! The life I have now even though it's not always picture perfect is more than I could have ever hoped or dreamed for!


Your story is not yet over but it's up to you on how it will end and I want mine to end with dying empty because I have fulfilled my purpose and have my Father say:

"Well done good and faithful servant."

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